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Male Teacher with Students

Donate to a Good Cause

Help us in our mission to get quality education to everyone by donating.

Children learning with teacher

We believe that we can care for more children with you.

For millions of children around the world, education remains an inaccessible right, with over  72 million children of primary education age out of school.  The lack of schooling and poor education means many are not learning the fundamental skills such as reading and math, which are essential for a prosperous future.

Our Solution

The Jaira Solutions team through her NGO Help the Nations has developed a program to help children learn and thrive.  The program aims to provide children from primary education onwards with basic educational needs such as learning to read and write as well as numerical skills that are essential for them to reach their full potential and succeed both in and out of school.

Get Inspired !!

Meet Riri (Newham, London)
Coming from a poor background, education was the last thing on her mind. She struggled in school, and after failing her Maths and English GCSE exams three times, she lost hope of ever passing and going on to study at university. As a result, she dropped out of school and began working until she heard about Jaira Solutions tutoring for disadvantaged children in the UK. Riri joined the program in March this year, and much has changed since then. With the support and guidance of our volunteer tutors, she has done well in her studies and is now planning to pursue her dream career in nursing at the University of East London.


The thought of going to university had completely vanished from my mind, and I was prepared to settle for a job that just paid the bills until a friend told me about Jaira. Thanks to them, I am now on the way to fulfilling my dream of becoming a child nurse.

Riri, 18 years old, (Newham, London)

​​Help us ensure that more children like Riri get the bright future they deserve by contributing today.

How can you help?

If you haven't got the time to support as a volunteer, donations are another valuable way to make a difference in the lives of the young people we help. With your generosity, we can connect more young people with our tutors, who will teach them online via our learning platform and prepare them for a lifetime of learning.


provides our volunteers with an enhanced DBS check, safeguarding training and tutor training.


can provide a disadvantaged child with a means of connecting with our tutors for a month of online lessons.


can help a disadvantaged child access a year of online lessons, boosting self-confidence and developing necessary life skills, thus giving them a better start in life.

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